
OpenCms is an Open Source Content Management System. Based on Java Servlet architecture, it provides an enterprise-class Web based CMS. It provides a modular interface for adding functionality (such as this module).

The OpenCms Lucene Search Module provides searching capabilities to the OpenCms content management system. It indexes (in a configurable way) the contents of the OpenCms Virtual File System (VFS) and provides the appropriate hooks for creating a search JSP.

Version 1.5 of the OpenCms Lucene Module was released on February 5, 2004.

Use this module to provide a search capabilities to your OpenCms server.

Related Information

  • OpenCms is an Open Source content management system written in Java.
  • Lucene is an Open Source Java search engine.

For help, comments, etc. on this module, subscribe to (or post to) the OpenCms mailing list (opencms-dev[AT-SIGN]opencms.org). For information on joining, go here. To search the archives, go here.